Montana- remembering our honeymoon
Okay. Let's be honest. Montana. Not what you think of when you think of honeymoon now is it? When you think honeymoon, most people think somewhere with sand, ocean, sun, and warm weather. Maybe the Caribbean, maybe Hawaii (if that is how you roll), or Mexico. We have all seen the Sandals "romantic couples" ads. Number 1 honeymoon destination, so on and so forth. Let me just tell you, that wasn't us. After the wedding, we went to Kellee and Pug's condo in Daytona with Gracie for a week.

We soaked up some rays and enjoyed the ocean. It was wonderful. Really we got the best of both worlds. After that first week of honeymoon, we headed out for the wilderness of Montana.

Since Sam is in the Air Force, we got the best deal ever. We booked our week at Meadow Lake Golf Resort. It was $299.00 for the entire week. Two bedrooms and two baths, private outdoor Jacuzzi, grill, fireplace, full kitchen, and an indoor whirlpool tub. Our unit was on the ground level on the 9th green. The mountains were all around us and it was beautiful.
I have always wanted to go to Montana. I figured when would I get another chance, so that is where we went. April is not the month to go to Montana. Skiing is finished for the winter and there is still enough ice and snow on the roads through the mountains to keep them closed. We didn't get to drive the "going to the sun road" that is famous for the Kalispell area.

There was only one negative thing I remember about the entire trip, and in hindsight, it wasn't that bad, and looking back at it, I laugh. Let me preface this story by saying the people of Montana are hard people. They live in a place where it is hard to make a living and the climate is tough.

Lot of snow and ice in the winter and a very short summer makes the outdoors a challenging place, and many Montanans make their living outdoors. So, when we found a few spiders crawling around our apartment unit, I got a little upset. There were about 5-6 little spiders in the bedroom. This did not make me happy. Well we called the office to alert them of this situation and they sent this woodsmen maintenance guy.

He showed up in his coveralls and boots, thick beard, and very rough around the edges attitude. He asked what the problem was, and when I told him I had seen spiders, he asked me to show him. Well, apparently, my idea of a spider and his idea were NOT THE SAME THING.

He was expecting something the size of a dinner plate I think, so when I showed him a spider the size of my pinky finger tip. He laughed. And then proceeded to tell us "WELCOME TO MONTANA" and hoped we enjoyed our stay. Okay, well that is all fine and good that he has seen some spiders that would carry me away, but any spiders in my sleeping location doesn't make me thrilled.

Well I survived, needless to say, and it was the only hiccup during the entire trip!! That was okay though. We hiked a lot, we ate so much amazing food. Everything in Montana is very fresh, probably because no one will deliver to those people in the middle of nowhere!
It was all very delicious though. There weren't chain restaurants really, everything was "mom and pop" unique and wonderful. It reminded me of upstate New York in a way.

The other thing that really is unique about Montana are the Casinos. There is a Casino in every gas station, mini mart, hair salon, deli, Wal-Mart, taco bell, and bowling alleys. The Casinos are small but there are so many of them. We spent al lot of our time at the various different ones. They gave you free snacks and beers while you played, what a deal! We really didn't win anything, but it was so much fun.

I would love to go back and experience some of the other parts of the state, such as Yellow Stone National Park- and get to actually drive the Going to the Sun road. I would like to go in the Summer! Maybe one day we will go back, but until then, I have so many pictures to remember the wonderful time we had in Montana.

Canada Day trip
I really do understand why they call it Big Sky country. The grandiose sky of Montana is unlike that of any other place I have ever been too. As you know the Adirondacks is my favorite place on earth, well if there had to be a second, Montana could be that place.
The sky seems to continue on forever. I do not believe we could doubt that there is an almighty creator after experiencing the purple mountains majesty that Montana offers. It will take your breath away. In one word. Amazing.
