So today I had a few "blonde" moments. I was taking a photography workshop in Ballston (part of Arlington) that I had scheduled a couple weeks back. I had to work the night shift last night at the hotel (3-11), so that threw my schedule off, atleast that is where I am going to lay the blame. Anyways, so I had the workshop today, and there really wasn't anywhere to park, so my awesome hubby agreed to drop me off and pick me up (love ya babe). Well on the way there I realize that I cannot locate my bank card (this really isn't anything out of the ordinary), but I also had left my bank envelope at the hotel that contained my $$ for the class. Grreat, so Sam had his bank card and I was able to get my money to attend the class, well upon arrival to the class, I get out my camera, lenses, and flash-- turn on the camera-- NO SD CARD INSERTED. PERFECT. So, then I have to ask anyone if they have an extra. Luckily for me, they came prepared! After the class we were planning on going to dinner with the "Lancaster's and Winnicks" for Aunt Bev's birthday.
Timbuktu or Tim's

Stacy and Jared flew in from Denver Colorado this weekend for Aunt Bev's birthday. Tonight we decided to make a trek down to a little place on the Potomac River called Timbuktu (or Tim's for short). It is a seafood place that has open air seating overlooking the river, a band, a bar, tiki torches, and platefuls of blue crabs. Although Sam, Stacy, Mom, and myself decided to pass on the "work" some people call dinner-- Aunt Bev, Nick, and Jared put away 36 little crabbies!!!! The atmosphere was quite enjoyable, but I ate far too much fried food for my own good.