Bella's One Year Anniversary
I remember it like yesterday. It was a Sunday afternoon, Sam and I both were off from work. We decided to take a drive down toward Woodbridge. It is about 28 miles. No big deal. Well, I figured I might as well get a newspaper to see what kind of sales they might be having this Sunday. Unbeknownst to both of us at this point was what we were "buying" on this particular day!
We really hadn't been looking for a dog. Sometimes, I perused the ads in the Washington Post, just to see all the little doggie ads, the little faces-- all of which are oh so cute! On our way down to Woodbridge (which I might add is not in the particular direction of the ad I was about to read) I called about a litter of Golden doodles.
I had showed Sam so many pictures of doodle puppies-- he thought they were all mostly cute--then he would show me pictures of them all grown up--he thought they were mostly HORRIBLE! I told him once you fall in love with this little bundle of fluff and love, there will be no way you won't still love it when it grows up to be "ugly".
The lady on the phone told me that they had a runt of the litter, a female, and she probably wouldn't get much bigger than a large cocker spaniel (about 20-30lbs). I thought, hey that is perfect, just the size we need. So Sam agrees we can drive out there and "take a look" at the litter, since we hadn't seen any in person yet. We would have to start somewhere.
Front Royal is about 75 miles from our house, and we were already headed in the wrong direction ( I have a good husband), but Sam obligingly agreed to this, and off we went. Upon arriving to the farm, there was a fat fur ball underneath a tree in a play pen. As we got closer we both thought, "man if this is the run, I hate to see what the biggest puppy looks like". About this time a lady came out of the house holding a soaking wet little rat. Bella. It wasn't love at first sight, but let me tell you it was soon after. I looked at Sam and said "what do you think" he said "did you bring your check book?!". She will be both our birthday presents ( Sept & Oct), and we took her home.
Bella was like having a baby in the beginning. The first night she cried all night long (the crate was in the other bedroom-- straight out of the movie Lady and the Tramp because the next night her crate came into our room and hasn't left) We took her out to "potty" every two hours around the clock for the first month. We love her to death even though she is a biting crazy monster. Our own little wack job! This past year with Bella has been great. She has made two trips to Florida to meet her cousins (Cricket, Brewer, and Tebow) and one trip to New York. She is part of our family and we love her. I am glad that we made that trip, one year ago today, out to Front Royal, Virginia for the runt of the litter. Who, might I add, weighs in about 60lbs-- and is by no means -- a large cocker spaniel!

Happy 1 year puppy anniversary (what do you call this?) to Bella & you guys! She's such a cutie.... she makes me almost want a dog. Almost.